When Can Tyre Damage Be Repaired?

car with red brake caliper

Tyres rarely puncture at a suitable time. When this happens, your vehicle is unsafe to drive until the tyre has been replaced, or in some cases repaired. Repairs are only suitable under very specific circumstances, so we’re going to explain that in this guide.

Is Your Tyre Damaged Beyond Repair?

The most important question to ask is whether the tyre is able to be repaired. There’s a set criteria which the damage must meet in order to be considered repairable. If your tyre damage meets or exceeds this criteria, don’t take any risks. You’ll need to replace it with a new one to be able to drive safely.

Damage beyond repair includes:

  • Bold tyres which have a tread depth lower than 1.6mm
  • Cracked rubber
  • A puncture larger than 6mm in diameter
  • Any picture in the sidewall
  • Anything that might a the affect the structural integrity of the tyre

As you can see, there are many circumstances where the damage will require you to replace the tyre completely. If you’re not sure what to do, consult with a garage that specialises in tyre services to decide the best way forwards.

Why Is Sidewall Damage Not Repairable?

You may be wondering why you can’t repair damage to the sidewall, even when the puncture is small. This is because the side of the tyre undertakes significant stress. Any damage will weaken the structural integrity of the tyre, potentially leading to blowouts on the road. As well as that, the sidewall of the tyre will move during driving, meaning there needs to be plenty of flexibility. It’s very possible that a repair patch will be blown off during this flexing.

What Is The Minor Repair Area?

The minor repair area is the part of the tyre where small punctures can be repaired safely. This is where the tread is, in the centre, away from the sidewall.

Areas of damage that are less than 6mm can be filled in with a sealant, then the tyre reinflated. It should work as it did before, keeping the tyre inflated and now allowing any air to escape. It’s important that a qualified tyre technician repairs the damage, as a poor tyre repair job could lead to worse problems down the line.

For Tyre Repairs, Choose ACG Auto Repairs

If you’ve got a damaged tyre and would like us to repair it, get in touch with our friendly team today.
